Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not obstructing traffic.. Think again.

Some people just can't figure out common sense when it comes to being considerate. Maybe they didn't quite understand common sense because they lack in most of it. I know that we shouldn't be talking bad about other people but let's face it, some people simply don't care or they are only thinking about themselves.

No need to obstruct no problem at all mah.
Eh...why you make noise? You jealous or what.

Some drivers can be sooooo ridiculously selfish when it come to parking or leaving their vehicles unattended during rush hours. Some even have the cheek to reply .. 'why you so worry ah? Since you no park here. Why ah?? I am not blocking you at all.'

Wah...your father's road ah?
Someone please check his mental condition!

So by reading this article, kindly be reminded to be more considerate to others before you end up with a long deep scratch by the side of your precious car. Be smart and be careful, what goes around, comes around...that's KARMA to those non-believers. :D

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My passion for comics..

Asterix the Gaul (1961) was created by Goscinny & Uderzo.
A great blend of history and modern punch line.

Hergé (1907-1983) was the Belgian creator of Tintin

Since childhood, I have been an ardent reader of comics. I had read so many that i had lost count, I began reading from The Beano Comics, Danny and progress to DC & Marvel comics. Here are some of those I still cherish and some which I had collected and plan to share with my kids.

I am not those who seal it up in special plastic folders for trading or investment. See if you can identify some of these comics...enjoy!

Dr. Slump - authored by Akira Toriyama (1980)
Cute and got to love it.

Goku in Dragon Ball series authored by Akira Toriyama (1984)
Read his collections over 4 No regrets.

Akira as illustrated by Katsuhiro Otomo (series from 1982 - 1990)
..themes of social isolation, corruption & power.

Ah..Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson (1985),
they remind me of the little boy in me

Groo by Sergio Aragones (1981)
Silly & totally reading it all over again!

Comics are not just appreciated by children all over the world but by adults alike. There are a few local stores in KL catering for serious collectors as well as ardent readers who wish to enjoy the wonderful stories and illustrations created by brilliant authors & scriptwriters from all over the world.

Enjoy the art of reading comics and be a child at heart all over again.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sexy school uniforms...?

Sexy meh? Wet dreams? anyone?

The National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia's vice-president Munirah Bahari caused a stir by stating that our national school uniforms for schoolgirls were too sexy and invited...
'rape and pre-marital sex'.

So they said that the white blouse had become a source of attraction and that girls deliberately wore the dresses 'to lure men'.

So it’s the schoolgirls’ fault it they were raped?

Remember the incident where an Australia's top Muslim cleric described immodestly dressed women as "uncovered meat" and blamed them for driving men to adultery and rape?

The ladies ask for it..! The problem lies with them etc..
Gentlemen, it's not ye fault.

Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali announced to his 500 followers: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the road, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem."

Are they implying we men are like cats or wild beasts? Eh…if I may speak for some, if not all the men. I am sure the majority of men have better self-control than those religious bigots who made such seriously flawed remarks.

Shouldn’t they be requesting that all men be placed in some mental institutions or something? We can’t have such men running free in this modern age.

Can someone please tell these people that not all men are so deprived of self-control? It is so shameful for any religious group to put the blame totally on the women. Please go and take out your narrow-minded brain and wash it with detergent…!

What the @#$% wrong with these people? It's better to have their eyes pulled out than to sin..

Serendah Waterfall, Selangor.

Looking for some natural spot within Selangor for a day trip? If you are not looking for a 5-Stars park or retreat, you might want to rough it out at Serendah Waterfall, Selangor.

Approximately 10 kilometers north of Rawang is this ‘Cowboy’ town Serendah, where local travelers stop for their meals and breaks. This is a small local attraction for the locals to go to after a long week of work (besides going for a round or two at some old golf courses).

From Jalan Kuching in KL, just head North to Rawang, you will have to look for Simpang Sungai Choh and thereafter look for direction to Serendah. At Serendah town on the left you will find a small police station and little distance to the north is a right turn into the housing area of Kampung Dato' Harun.

Follow this residential road and turn to your left where the surfaced road ends and a square signboard that reads 'Pusat Serenti Serendah'.

It's a good exposure to the kampung style break for your kids to learn to rough it out. You will see lots of kids soaking themselves at various part of the waterfall, picnicking under the sunny sky and crowding out with the rest of the locals.

Do not expect 1st class amenities besides enjoying the natural waterfall. If you can't stand seeing your kids roughing it out, this place is not for you. You can actually walk behind the waterfall and it's naturally awesome experience for your kids. The waterfall is pretty safe but forceful.

Bring along your own portable chairs in case they run out of sitting area and have your own food ready if you are not used to kampung style vendors.


If you are not the type to appreciate the little things in life and mingling with local folks, then head to Sunway lagoon or Genting Highland for your pampered break. The evening view nearby can be pretty breathtaking...natural and serene (minus internet and internet cafe). You might want to go in a bigger group and put up a night at Sekeping Serendah retreat.

On the way back to KL, you can stop by for your dinner at any of the local restaurants like this one below (tho I didn't stop by).

Picnic at the park

It's not often you get the chance to see "ayam kampung" around PJ or KL. I caught this on my camera on one fine morning in the heart of PJ in the midst of the morning rush hour. It's so unfair that these chickens get to enjoy loitering around while we have to get up early and join the rat race from Monday to Friday...(signed).

Maybe one day I should get myself a farmland and just enjoy the fruits of my labour, no need to put on a nice atire for work, no need to hear any more complains from clients and become a smarter rat in this competitive world.

Hey, maybe it's only a dream in reality and reality only in my dream... :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Safety first?...Ya right.

No worry lah..Nothing will happen lah dey!

What the....., how come only daddy wears helmet only ah? You are right in the middle of the city of Kuala Lumpur lah dey. No worry for him despite having so many cars driving by at 80 kph on both sides. Do you think this biker had learned a trick or two from Britney Spear?

Some drivers are so creative that they have ways to park their cars. One of our national cars is so small, they can easily pass off as kids' stuff @ Toys"R"Us stores. They are so small that they become obstructive annoyance like this example below...

See...I parked it my way.

An old friend from Copenhagen, Denmark once shared with me on his 1st day driving in KL. He literally thought drivers are going to crash into his car whenever they cut into his lane without putting out their signal lights. He would say things like "Oh shit, I am going to get hit.." or "Oh no, I am gone for sure.." and etc. After the 2nd month, he proudly told me he is getting good at it (his driving).

Have fun and drive safely. Please consider the safety of others before yours.

Yummy Fresh Fish for dinner...anyone?

Being in KL for the last 20 years, I do have my small list of eat out restaurants. You know lah,.. sometimes my friends, clients and suppliers will share with me some of their favorite eating haunt.

Honestly I will try to eat anything as long as I don't get food poisoning that leaves me looking for the washroom for the next 3 days. Em,..I had even tried the infamous HK's Chow Tau Foo and a few other less exotic dishes just for fun.

Anyway, the only thing I dislike is the hygiene in preparing the food. To make a point, I took this some time back in Kepong, near where I work. What I saw was a worker preparing food by the back lane....yes, I said back lane. Fortunately I had never patronize the restaurant before, but I am sure you will see more of this elsewhere.

See need tables to prepare the food, easy lah

No wonder my friends always say "If you enjoy the food there, make sure you don't go into their washroom or kitchen", true? I still remember during the late 80s, I had one of bout of food poisoning during Easter after eating somewhere offering cheap & great tasting food along Ipoh. Some of my friends who ate the same food also came down with food poisoning. I had a plate of food & ended up 2x in the washroom and a good friend had two and a half plate ended up 5x in the washroom. I remember seeing at least six of them waiting in line for their turn to use the washroom.

So the next time you plan to have a good meal outside, you might want to consider checking out the toilet, the kitchen and the back lane before ordering your food.

My,'s my lunch time now (1pm). Bon Appetit for now.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Money Politics or just optimising awareness?

I am way behind time to comment about the recent Malaysia's 12th General Election which had come and gone resulting in one of the biggest upset for the ruling party, PBN. In brief, the people had spoken and so far the elected representatives are getting their act together till the next GE.

I managed to take some shots here and there during the election heat and I have one shot that caught my attention. This shot was taken near the Sin Chew roundabout near Menara Merais, before I head for my next meeting. I am not sure if this was one related to Money Politics or just an over zealous campaign staff who might be overly paid to do a fast job putting up candidate's election poster...but I thought it was rather funny at 1st glance. Hope you find it funny too!

Dato' Seri Dr. Mohamed Khir Bin Toyo's contact no. 019 2085515??
Can he can spare you some small change for coffee..? With low interest?

Anyway, I don't mean to imply anything serious against him but hopefully the next 13th General Election, he will have to make sure his campaign staff do not simply put up his good image on such an eye catching bunting. Next time I hope these people won't employ characters with names like Ah Beng or Ah Long...must check before employing any of them. Don't play play ah.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Pleasant Trip to Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor

If you enjoy a short trip within Selangor, I would love to suggest going to Bukit Melawati for a day trip during the weekend or short public holiday. Do not expect any 5-stars attraction there but the local friendly monkeys are good enough to thrill your kids the whole day.

Bukit Melawati is located in the coastal town of Kuala Selangor, em...say about an hour drive drive from Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. During the late 18th Century, the second Sultan of Selangor had a fortress constructed on Melawati Hill to protect the state from intruders. The hill provided a vantage point to monitor ships in the Straits of Malacca. Even with a strategic hold, the Melawati Fort yielded to the Dutch cannons. It was again destroyed during the Selangor Civil War, when warring factions fought for tin-rich lands. All that remains of the fort now are its cannons, its original foundation stones and fabled execution block. The landscaped hill offers a panoramic view of the Selangor coastline.

The local version of the Polar Express heading up to Bukit Melawati
..choo choo & cough cough (diesel type)

Visitors will be delighted to watch the free-roaming Silverleaf Monkeys in the area. The adults are dark-haired with a tinge of silver, while the young ones are a bright orange.

This shot was taken within less than 2 feet away from our friendly host

Gentle and adorable, they graciously wait for bread or fruits from visitors, unlike the mischievous Long Tail Macaques. I wish I can take one home too..

Feeding time, long beans preferred, with lots of fiber..yum yum

I showed a Silverleaf Monkey a long bean on my palm before closing it and the monkey just gently took my hand and unfold my fingers to remove the food while I stroke his

We are watching them or the other way around??

Polite and gentle...much better than the "monkeys"
seen during parliament meetings

Even kids can befriend them easily without having their parents worrying about them. They can be consider much friendlier and polite than some of the young school going visitors. He he he...:D. (Serious,...while the kids behave more monkey that these local habitats).

Other attractions here are a lighthouse, a royal mausoleum and a quaint rest house.

If you have time for lunch, the sea food restaurants are just less than 10 mins drive up North along the costal road. Typical of all Malaysian visitors, you can also shop for fish snacks and other preserved food stuff while waiting for your food to be prepared.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hot Wheels in Trouble..

I am not sure if witnessing cars on fire are a norm else where but I manage to take a snap shot of a taxi on fire, it causes quite a long traffic congestion along Jalan Kepong heading to Sungai Buloh during afternoon rush hour on the 12th of May. To be honest, I have heard and seen a few of our national cars, the Proton, catching fire since it rolled off production line in 1985 (if my old memory is still functional).

I am beginning to wonder if seeing & hearing more Protons catching fire are due to the overwhelming presence of these national cars or they tend to have more mechanical problems than the rest of cars of other manufacturers.

Since I am consider a "Tar Kong Chai" or just a regular working guy who just want to "cari makan" (making a living), getting a Proton would not be a bad idea for the time being. In short, that's the approximately the cheapest car around that doesn't look like a canned tuna or as small as a mouse deer lah...if you know what I mean.

Getting spare parts are pretty easy too since you have many 3rd party vendors manufacturing cheap accessories everywhere. Honestly it's just a car that takes you from spot A to spot B (period). I am not the type of driver who modify the car, almost 100% of the car has retained its original features, provided you don't take into consideration the extended rear mirror and my MP3 player I had gotten recently to replace my nearly dead Clarion player after more than 8 years.

My 1st Proton car was my dream darling (besides my wife..ahem) that took me over 45,000 kms a year for the last 8 years!! I took up what I thought was a great number, 4318. Yup, but the engine finally went burst, as in exploded while driving down NKVE's Bukit Lanjang. I was traveling downhill at 80-90kph with no response whatsoever from my accelerator and smoke bellowing out from my engine. Well, I survived to share my experience after having a new engine and being without a car for 2-3 weeks. The mechanic showed me a hole as big as my fist located right where the pistons were...

Maybe one day I can afford a nicer car when I have the opportunity to earn more. Meanwhile, just have to be happy with whatever that comes along.

Hope you like my little true experience. :D

Friday, May 9, 2008

The day I met YB Lim Guan Eng (CM of Penang)

One fine day while I was out to meet my client @ the 2008 Halal Food Expo, guess who did I least expected to meet? Nope, not Bill Gates and definitely not President George Bush. These fellas won't make their way to makan makanan halal in Kuala Lumpur for sure.

Pak Lah with his loads of body guards...don't play play ya

Aiya..I met YB Lim Guan Eng our 2008 Chief Minister of Penang! He was with a group of ministers, including our Pak Lah, the Prime Minister of Malaysia who officiate the Food Expo. I just walked into the group with no where to get out of their path, so I eagerly took my old and faithful Canon PowerShot S30 and took a few shots to remember the faces who walked the Corridor of Power.

After Pak lah passed me by (I didn't shake his hands as he was too busy keeping a keen expression on the booths & products) and I saw Guan Eng a short distance behind him. And I said to myself, "I know that familiar face...".

Gee...I guess I lack the formality and grace to greet the YB. W
ith an excited face, I just said "Guan Eng, hai! How are you?". Sounds like meeting an old buddie but at least I felt comfortable talking to a political figure whom I read so much about, both on blogs and mainstream media.

I can't help it as he was walking away to catch up with the group of ministers, I jumped at the chance to request for a photo shot with him. He humbly accepted (after thinking for 3 seconds) tho I know he had to rejoined the group soon. I thanked him for the pleasant opportunity for a photo session with me. I hope he will strive to do us proud in re-branding Penang's economy to face a tough global competition.

To know more about YB Lim Guan Eng, please do log on to the following sites below & I am sure you will find these reading interesting...
  1. Wikipedia - Lim Guan Eng
  2. DAP Malaysia
  3. The Trial of Lim Guan Eng
So, that was my little close encounter with YB Lim Guan Eng.

All the BEST for your new administration & please deliver your promises. You definitely have our support for a fair, transparent & accountable state government of Penang.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Truth about the Holocaust

Some people think the Holocaust didn't actually happen. Some religious extremist or head of some dysfunctional government seems to think what happened......
60 years ago during the Second World War in Europe didn't actually happen!!

A U.S. solider surveys
a German concentration camp

These photos were taken in Germany by James Emison Chanslor, an Army Master Sergeant who served in World War II from 1942 until 1945. Please log on to..

Regardless if you are a Jew, Muslim, Christian or a person who doesn't believe in GOD, do not run away from the fact that something terrible had happened even before you were born. One day if something similar is to happen to you and your family, do you want some religious mad person to claim it never did happen???

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ambushed & Left half Unconcious by the road..

Some months back when I was at Petaling Jaya during noon (at the Sin Chew's roundabout), I witnessed from a distance, a man being ambushed by 3 thugs that came out of nowhere near Hotel Lisa De Inn. These group of guys just rained punches and kicks on the poor guy for the next 30 seconds till he fell to the ground and laid there unconscious.

Things just happened so fast and the best I could do was to call for the ambulance hot line. I took a quick shot with my camera phone to remind me of the cruel act inflicted on this bystander. He was bleeding from the ear and barely able to utter a word. Strangely, nothing was taken from the victim after the thugs inflicted him with violence.

Fortunately the ambulance came to his assistance in about 15 minutes. Gee....hope he is recovering well tho I am unsure if the thugs were known to the victim. Maybe the incident was caused by some misunderstanding.

A note of precaution, not offend nor underestimate other people's rage. There are plenty of cruel characters out there with a law of their own.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Apa Khabar & hope you are fine.

Hai there and this is my first posting on this blog. I have been thinking for a while and I have finally decided to set up this blog to share with you what I find interesting along the way and on whatever under the Ozone layer.

About me? I am just a regular guy in the advertising industry in Kuala Lumpur and doing the usual thing to bring home the food at the dinner table. I love to meet people and check out new things around the city. Once in a while, you will be amaze to see funny sights and things interesting that we take for granted without stopping to enjoy that funny moment.

Before I logged off for the day, I happened to chanced upon this little sign at the Taman Tun Dr. Ismail public library. It's just a toilet sign but the staffs would like to ensure it is strictly for staff only. I wonder if "TANDAS, Untuk Kegunaan Kakitangan Sahaja! (TOILET, Strictly for Staff Use Only!) means anything beyond that. Ha ha ha...enjoy ya!