Monday, February 2, 2009

The 6th Prime Minister of Bolehland...I mean Malaysia?
Boleh ke? Is there gonna be a snap election again to reaffirm your worth?

Going going & gone? Going off in March 2009? Sure or not?
"God willing" or there will be another political wayang kulit soon..

Wow..! Another 26 days it's gonna be March 2009. Do you think Malaysia is heading for another round of politicking after our 5th Prime Minister stepped down in March (if there are no more surprises for the rakyat in Bolehland???

Em, we will definitely watch this event unfold with our very eyes. Is Najib good enough to lead the way? To improve our nation's economy? Remove skepticism that he is not ready or good enough? Is he gonna convince us that ISA is good for the rakyat when we disagree with him or post negative comments about his government? many unansweared questions that we need to ask him before he takes the helm of nation.

If you need to connect simple facts or evaluate if Najib is worthy to the the next PM, you need to do simple research on the internet and perhaps evaluate alternative news elsewhere besides those tightly controlled print media in Malaysia.

Check out to have a brief idea about our future leader to be.

Pray hard that our nation is in good hands comes March 2009.

Moooooo.....The Year of BULLSHITTING

Happy New Year to all my readers and friends. Apology for the long absence because of my bz bz bz work schedule. It had been a good 2008 but it's now 2009, right?

It had been an exciting old year @ 2008 but what is gone is gone & no more looking back to say "I wish I could had done this and that...etc".
So 2009 is a big year ahead of us. Huh? Hope it is a good year too, despite being in the unknown, with so much chaos around us these days.

Here we are, struggling to come to terms with the economic turmoils and we have the government of the day asking us to change our lifestyles, cut cost and etc, next thing we know, they are back to wasting public expectations doing what they are good at,..political stalemate.

Both the Pakatan Rakyat and the Barisan Nasional are both enticing the other sides of the politically divided to a crossover. At the end of the day, we the people on the streets are the biggest losers because we are getting nowhere to solving our economic problem.

In Kuala lumpur and anywhere in the country, you will encounter nothing but resignations about the poor economic status of the country. Almost everyone I met that's doing business will complain that their business had dipped betweeen 40% to 80%. You will also notice companies offering MML (multi level marketing) are doing brisk business with new members coming in. Somehow the conventional business opportunity is definately suffering.

So far most of us are still employed and able to dish out simple meals for our family and our government of the day is not collapsing anytime soon. however, we are a nation rich in natural resources and yet we are suffering due to the incompetence of our government... that's the fact.

The year of the OX is definately the best year for bullshits.