Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lullaby for poor tired dad..

Going to bookstores can be fun. For a start, it's free and the place is always full of readers from all walks of life. Kids love going there to feast themselves with story books and you can just sit cross legged at any part of the bookstore.

Shelves full of books...

I came across one daddy taking a nap while his little girl immerse herself with reading. I thought that was pretty out of the ordinary and funny so I took a snap shot to this comical composition.

Is that a new trend of slumber party?

Poor daddy. Make sure you don't droll..

Poor daddy. Make sure you don't droll..

Another famous lullaby is "All the Pretty Little Horses"..

Don't you cry

Go to sleep my little ba-by;
When you wake,
you shall have,

all the pretty little horses...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Our "beloved" PM is stepping down in 2010??

Mr. Nice Guy?? Who gave him that dick name...
Oops...I mean nickname. (sorry)

By now it's consider old news...our Prime Minister has announced he will step down by 2010. He claimed he still has many things to do and to implement before he calls it a day. Dato' Seri Abdullah Bin Haji Badawi, the 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia is in office since 2003 and by the time he steps down in 2010 he will have served 7 years.

He was so called a better choice when Dr. Maharthir, the 4th PM announced he was planning to step down in 2002.

Anyway, to cut the story short & fast forward to the present. Honestly, I believe many honest Malaysians would be pretty relieve he is stepping down by just looking at the results of the 13th General election.

He sure gave us plenty of promises but the man on the street hardly feel the impact of it. From Mr. Nice Guy & Pak Lah, he was later addressed with more insulting & degrading nicknames like Sleepy Dollah,
Pak Liar, Bodowi, father-in-law of Khairy and many others which you can find on online forums and blogs.

If you happen to walk the streets of KL, you are bound to hear lots of complains from the locals about the difficulty in making an honest living. Forget about reading the positive forecast by the mainstream medias, many partially linked by the ruling party. You will also hear negative comments on the inefficiency of the government in managing the national economy despite the fact we are a major crude oil exporter, rich in natural resources unlike the miserable red dot down south of Peninsular Malaysia!! We were also ONCE a leading & emerging developing country in South East Asia.

As for cost the of petrol, we have one of the highest rate for petrol, from RM1.37 per litre in 2004 to RM2.70 in 2008 (97%...wow). Please bear in mind we are nett exporter of crude oil.

If Pak Lah survives as PM till 2010, Malaysians will have to put up with his leadership for another 2 more years....which is consider a long time for most of us wanting a for the better.

Tak boleh tahan liao oh.... That's my point blank view of my beloved PM.

Tired ah? Please go home & sleep..

(Yawnnn)..... Again?

Looking down? Headache? Or just woke up...??